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Preventing Renault Clio wiper motor failure

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The Vulnerability of Modern Cars

Considering that modern motorcars are packed with vulnerable and delicate electronics, it is amazing that they shrug off the weather so well. Yet, they are not protected completely against Mother Nature. Whether tolerating sustained sunshine, or freezing frosts, the very nature of living outside remains tough on cars.

Owners also have their roles to play. Identifying and unblocking drain holes are ways to prevent water from entering the interior inadvertently. Should they become clogged, the resultant moisture can damage the car's electrical systems, including corroding the circuits within expensive ECU computers.

Challenges and Emerging Issues

Detritus from hedges, or trees, can also build and prevent water from escaping. The conscientious owner is also not aided, when manufacturers design drain holes that are inaccessible, or too small.

An interesting related issue emerged, during a recent visit to First Line Limited (, the car parts firm that is visible from Junction 4 of the M40 motorway.

The company revealed a spike in replacement windscreen wiper motor demand for Renault Clio models, in particular, those made between 2001 and 2014. After further investigations, the firm found that the motor was failing due to being submerged in water, usually after heavy rainfall. The cause was traced to, you guessed it, a blocked drain hole.

Understanding the Damage and Acting Proactive

While the damage does not occur on the first deluge, it does so gradually. The motor's weather seals deteriorate, allowing moisture to wash the protective grease from the bearings, causing corrosion and subsequent seizure. Should you find that the wiper motor fuse has blown on your car, suspect that the motor is drawing excessive current, indicating that you should have the motor investigated, before it stops working. Never be tempted to fit a higher-rated fuse to compensate.

Thankfully, replacement motors are available for these Renaults, under First Line part numbers FWM1004 and BWM1004 for the Borg & Beck brand. However, when replacing the unit, ensure that the area is free of debris and that the drain hole is clear.

Even if you do not own an affected Clio, this issue highlights the importance of clearing any drain holes from the wiper blades with a blunt tool at least once monthly, ensuring that you do not scrape away any paintwork that could cause corrosion.

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