The GEM Story - keeping you on the move since 1932
Established in 1932, times have since changed, but our values remain untouched. We still pride ourselves on going the extra mile to look after our members and keep them safe on the roads. We have a long-standing heritage, yet we are forward-thinking and striving to improve.
How it all began
The story has it that on his way to meet friends at the Warnes Hotel in Worthing in 1932, our founder was involved in a 'near miss' with a young man in a sports car. In response, that group of friends formed a club, and the Company of Veteran Motorists was born.
It was then that our founders set us a very clear mission - to help keep everyone safe on the roads. Encouraging members to set an example to others by driving with care, courtesy and concentration, they felt they could reduce the growing numbers of people killed or seriously injured on the roads. This founding mission remains at the heart of everything we do.
Pioneers of the road
Since then, times have changed, but our values remain untouched. We still pride ourselves on going the extra mile to look after our members and keep them safe on the roads. In 1983 we reflected these ambitions by changing our name to the Guild of Experienced Motorists... or GEM, for short. We launched our breakdown recovery service in 1978 and have been a trusted provider ever since.
GEM Motoring Assist is now part of the Call Assist Group
GEM's breakdown and recovery service is provided by Call Assist Ltd. Established in 1998, Call Assist Ltd works with an extensive network of around 425 approved Recovery Operators throughout the UK and an additional network in Europe, providing breakdown recovery assistance in over 45 countries.
In addition to GEM Motoring Assist, the Call Assist Group provides breakdown recovery services on behalf of many other insurance brands, including other household names, providing a service for over 2 million breakdown customers.
Keeping you on the move
Regardless of the journey we are on, one thing we all have in common when we get on the road is our aim of getting from A to B. GEM Motoring Assist is a members’ breakdown recovery, motoring and road safety organisation with exactly that in mind…
Comprehensive, all-inclusive breakdown cover
With GEM, you don’t have to pick and choose. Our personal breakdown cover automatically includes home and roadside assistance, nationwide recovery and onward travel. No add-ons or catches… just all-inclusive breakdown cover.
We’re just around the corner
We use a nationwide network of approved local independent recovery operators, which means wherever you break down, help is not far away.
Highly recommended by experts and members
At GEM Motoring Assist, we’ve been keeping our members on the move since 1932 and we are proud that, over the years, we have been recognised for the breakdown recovery service that we provide.
GEM is a Which? Recommended Provider for breakdown services 2024
Highly Commended in the Personal Finance Awards 2022/23 and 2023/24
Top 3 in the Auto Express Driver Power Survey for over ten years
Defaqto 5 Star Rating, one of the most comprehensive policies in the market
And most importantly, by our members… we have an average of 4.5 out of 5 stars for our online reviews on Trust Pilot,, Review Centre and Google.
Member benefits
Exclusive quarterly magazine, quarterly member e-newsletter, vehicle road test reports, competitions and member offers.
Included in GEM membership is unlimited access to our free motoring and road safety advice, plus free technical advice on anything from MOT queries, which electric car to buy or how to fix that recurring problem under the bonnet.
We go the extra mile
Our road safety ethos encompasses driver wellbeing, vehicle maintenance and all the motoring essentials that come with being a driver…. after all, these things all need to be taken care of to keep you safe and legal on the roads.
Becoming a GEM member goes beyond award-winning breakdown cover, expert motoring advice, personal service and great value membership benefits…as membership also contributes towards the cost to support great road safety causes, which means each member is really making a difference - just by joining us!
Keeping you safe
While many people know us for our founding road safety ethos and personal breakdown cover, we do so much more. We established the GEM Road Safety Charity to enable us to continue to champion road safety, donating to worthwhile causes and initiatives to support projects across the UK that all have one thing in common – keeping people safe on the roads. We support national and local road safety campaigns, as well as produce free leaflets on motoring advice and road safety.
GEM is a member of:
In July 2022, we introduced a number of breakdown cover policy enhancements for our members, at no additional cost.
As well as offering a second-to-none breakdown recovery service, GEM continues to put road safety at the heart of its work. We know how important this is to our members, and we are pleased to continue our support for a number of brilliant initiatives in 2022 that can really make a difference for the safety of everyone who uses the roads.
Read our press release about how we're marking our 90th anniversary year
GEM Motoring Assist Annual Reports
A summary of the major activities and performance of GEM during recent years are provided in the Chairman’s Annual reports which are approved at the organisation’s Annual General Meeting each year.
2023-24 Annual Report
2022-23 Annual Report
2021-22 Annual Report
2020-21 Annual Report
2019-20 Annual Report